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A favicon is a file that contains one or more icons for a website. If you wish you can read more about favicons on Wikipedia.

There are nine different sizes of favicons that are a currently recommended (2020), (16, 32, 96, 120, 128, 152, 167, 180, 196).
These consist of four Apple Touch icons, one Android and four browser icons.

If you upload the largest, 196, following the instructions below then UDB will create the other sizes and the links to them all.

  • From within the Organisation area, navigate to Domains
  • Edit the Domain you want to upload the favicon for
  • Click on the Upload button to the right of the Favicon field
  • Create or navigate to a folder called "favicons"
  • Make sure your favicon png file is named as "????-196.png" or "????-196x196.png" and upload it to this folder
  • UDB will create all the other sizes in the background
  • Click "Select" to insert the URL of the 196 size image in to the Favicon field on the domain edit page
  • Click "Save" to save your changes

You can also use an svg favicon.

To do this, you will need an svg version of your favicon and a 48x48 pixel png version.
Upload both files as described above (you don't need the dimension in the filename).
Then select the svg file as the one to use when editing the domain.
UDB will add in the code for the svg icon and the png version.

Favicons are heavily cached and the session will need to be updated so you will probably need to completely exit the browser and re-open to see the changes.

HINT: We regularly use /realfavicongenerator.net to generate favicons.