Feature Rich
Rapid Application Development
Helping you or your customers
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Q. Can I create a link directly to the Login screen?
A. To do this add this to your url, so as an example https://www.ultimatedb.net/login=true
Q. How can I force HTML editing instead of using the WYSIWYG Text Editor on an XML field?
A. From the Admin Area, click on the XML Field Editor of the Data List that contains the Object ID. Then choose the XML Field that you wish to amend by clicking the edit button on the right. Scroll down on the window that opens and under the Edit Options section tick the box next to Code Edit. Save this and you should now be able to enter html styling instead of using the WYSIWYG Text Editor.
Q. How do I identify an odd or even row in a loop command?

First set a Variable of {VAR(V_ODD, TRUE)} before the loop and then inside the loop add {SET(V_ODD, {NOT(V_ODD)})} before the closing end of the loop command.

Then you can use something like this {IF(V_ODD)} THIS ROW IS ODD{END_IF} to identify the odd rows

Q. On a form is it possible to have checkboxes default to a preferred option of my choosing?

Yes it is, simply use this command to set the item that you want selected after the opening {INPUT_FORM} command.

{OBJ_UPDATE(obj_id, obj_part, xml_field, value)}

Used in a real world example you could have this command set Chocolate as the selected (checked) item from the list of Ice Cream Flavours that are stored in xml on the Current Object {COID}.

{OBJ_UPDATE({COID}, 3, ice_cream_flavour, Chocolate)}

Just in case you were wondering you don't need to commit this as this is working on a draft item before the form is submitted (saved).