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For this to work, you need to have entered your Google Client ID in the Organisation Maintenance area.

Organisation set up

To enable Google login on your site you will need a Google API Console project and client ID.

Follow the steps at https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/devconsole-project. Once you have your client ID, enter it in the Organisation Maintenance area. The {LOGIN_GOOGLE} command will now work on your site.

End user notes

End users can manage their settings by going to their Google account page and clicking "Connected apps & sites". Here they can manage all settings including removing the App if they wish.

Number Name Default Type Description
1 auto_login false Boolean Determines whether or not to attempt to log in a user automatically.
2 text   Login with Google String The HTML to use inside the login button
- class btn btn-light String Classes to apply to the login link.
- id udb-google-login String The ID to apply to the login link.
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