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The Products Page is used to view, edit and add Products.

Products are presented in a List which includes -

You can click on the Product Code to bring up the Product Record in more detail.

To add a new product click on the  button.

On this window you can input the product code, name, currency and product type. 

The next section changes depending on the product type, however, the only difference is the start/end date that appears on the exhibition version and not the publishing version.

You have input fields for the start date and end date. Below that you can select the demographic category, booking number sequence, default item type, default order state, Invoice number sequence, order number sequence and the name or address of the venue.

The last section allows you to add flags to the product such as inactive, invoice suppression and credit suppression, you can select the cost code, VAT country, bank account and invoice email templates.

After filling this in you can click  button to save it to the database.