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Help PageBooking Entry Record
TypeTertiary Record
TopicsOrders, Publishing
See AlsoIssue Booking Record

The Booking Entry Record holds all the information on a specific Booking Entry for an Issue Booking.

You can access and edit these details in full by clicking on the Service ID from the Issue Booking under the Order Line or on the Editorial Registration Page.

You can hold multiple Booking Entries for each Issue Booking. Each with its own Service ID.

It contains information on the Service ID, Title, Sub Title, Copy Details, Copy Status, Agreement Level, Repeat, Repeat from Issue, Material Comment, Material Contact, Notes, Reader Service Recipient, Web Link URL, Image URL, Enquiry URL, and Demographics.

Use the Demographics to hold the product categorisation for the article.

You can use the Copy Button  to copy booking entries to the BusiPro Clipboard.
You can then use the Paste Button  to paste the entry to an Issue Booking on the same order or a different one.