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The LINK command creates a link on the page to another object.
This is equivalent to using the HTML <a href> tag.
Using this tag is easier than manually creating the HTML version and it will insert any additional parameters necessary to track the link if the page is used in an email, as well as adding the necessary JavaScript for a page transition if you are using an AJAX Menu.
Number Name Default Type Description
1 obj_id 0 Integer ID of object to link to
2 text Link String Text to be displayed on the link
3 param String Any parameters you want to pass to the page e.g. "A=1&B=2"
Entering the ID of an HTML form will cause the form values to be submitted as parameters. e.g. "#myform" - follow this with a ? and any additional parameters e.g. #myform?A=1  
4 bookmark String Adds a bookmark to the URL. A bookmark is a reference on the page so that the readers can jump to specific parts of a web page. It is defined on the page by using the ID reference, e.g. <DIV id="bookmark_link">. To use this you don't need to specify the # which you would use if you were writing this in a regular HREF link.
- class btn btn-sm btn-light String

Set the classes on the link.

e.g. btn btn-primary

- confirm String Ask a question before the link is executed.
- dialog_o {} String

A JSON string of Dialog Options. e.g. "{oText:'Done'}"

- dialog_x 600 Integer The width to display the dialog box. Only used with the tag target of DIALOG.
- dialog_y 500 Integer The height to display the dialog box. Only used with a target of DIALOG.
- friendly_name true Boolean

This can hold the values true, false.
Use false if this is a link for internal use and you do not need the system to look on the destination object for the friendly name. This will save processing time.

- id String An HTML ID for the element
- method 2 Integer

The display method when loading the content via {AJAX} into a page element.

0 - Populate but don't show
1 - Show / Hide toggle
2 - Show
3 - Slide Down / Slide Up toggle
4 - Slide Down
5 - Fade In / Fade Out toggle
6 - Fade In

- notify_d -1 Integer The duration to display the Notification for when using the NOTIFY target.
- notify_p tr String The position to display the notification in when using the NOTIFY target
- notify_t 1 Integer The Type of Notification to display when using the NOTIFY target.
See the {NOTIFY} command for more details.
- style String Element Style
- title String Adds a title to the link
- target String

Add a page target :-

#Element ID,

You can create an AJAX link by entering a # followed by the ID of the element to populate, ensuring you also add a style of display:none to the element.
If you just enter a # then a div element will be created immediately below the link.

Basic Link Example

Using the command below will produce this html code:

Link To This Page
Link Including Parameters Example

You can pass parameters such as www.yoursite.com?myparam=id by using the third section of the LINK Command.

On the example below we are passing "hello=world". This will pass a sting called hello with a value of world to the page with Object ID of 1054. It will also include the title of Link To This Page to the href link.

This is how it will look when viewed as HTML

<a href="https://www.ultimatedb.net/commands/link?hello=world" title="https://www.ultimatedb.net/commands/link?hello=world" >Link To This Page</a>
A Link With A Question Example
This code below allows us to ask a question and the answer to the question must be either OK or Cancel. Clicking OK will take you to the linked object whereas clicking Cancel will keep you on the same page.
Ajax Dynamic Load Example
to add a Comment.
LINK Commands