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Help PageHome Page
TypeMenu Item
See AlsoHome_Page Contacts, Orders, Reminders

The Home page is the the first page that is presented to you when you access BusiPro and give you easy access to the main sections that you will be using.

Navigating to the Home Page

This page can be navigated to by clicking on the Home option on the main navigation menu at the very top of BusiPro.

Items Displayed on the Home Page

Below are the sections that are accessible to you when you are on the Home Page.

Search Bar

The search bar show you the current page you are on, as an example 'Home' for the Home Page. Located in the centre of the bar are the search boxes that allow you to directly search for the following:

Company Code
Order Number
Invoice Number
Transaction Code

Outstanding Communication Reminders

This area may well be empty when you read this but if you did have any outstanding communication reminders, which are past due, then they will be displayed here in a big read button so you can't miss them.


This tab can be used to view, edit and add additional Orders.

It displays a List of all orders and their information. Information presented includes the order code, date the order was made, the company and company code. main contact, state, currency and value. It can also be used to navigate to the Order record page, Company record page, and Contact record Page.

To add an additional Order click the  icon. You can select the order date (this defaults to the current date set by the computer), the currency, the product, the main contact (only contacts from the selected company are available). You can also set the order state and the date of that state (for if the state changes) and finally you can apply a discount if applicable.

After this you can click the  button to save it to the database. 

After saving you will be taken into the Order Page.