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This command add a Bootstrap Accordion to your page.

This works the same as the {TABS()} command but displays the tabs as drop down blocks.

You can add additional tabs by using the {TAB()} and {END_TAB()} commands between the {ACCORDION} and {END_ACCORDION} commands.

This command requires an {END_ACCORDION} command.

Number Name Default Type Description
1 query String

Query or List ID indicating the items to display

2 sub_temp_query String Query or List ID indicating the sub-templates to use
3 class String HTML class name to apply.
4 open 1 Integer The number of the opening Tab, Item or Slide. This can also be the Object or Template ID.
5 id String The HTML id to use to identify the tab collection.
- symb_pos 2 Integer Symbol Position
0 = Above Text, 1 = Left of Text, 2 = Right of Text
- cont_class String An additional class to apply to the outer container for the tabs.
- cont_style String An additional style to apply to the outer container for the tabs.
- tab_class String Additional Class to add to all the tabs
- li_class String An additional class to apply to each clickable tab element
Accordion Basic Example
This basic example of an Accordion show how you can structure the code to write contents without using any ultimate database queries.
This is the content of Tab 1.
This is the content of Tab 2.
Accordion With Styling Example
With this basic example you can see that html styles or Bootstrap styles can be used.

This is the content of Tab 1.

This is the content of Tab 2.

We have given this Accordion Tab a header and also styled the Accordion Tab Title with an italic styled font.

Accordion Using An Ultimate Database List Example
Example to create an accordion tab using a Ultimate Database List ID.
Tab ListTab 1
Example Tab 1
to add a Comment.